Greetings Brothers
The program calendar for the remainder of the fraternal year is attached. Note that the calendar was prepared as if COVID-19 did not exist. Having said that, some events that have been planned will not be happening because of COVID-19.
The program calendar was presented to Fathers Bryan and Yves during a meeting with our GK and myself.
The program directors are identified on each calendar page. Not all of the events included in the calendar apply to Council programs. Contact the appropriate director if you have questions about a specific program or event or if you want to help with any event.
You are invited to submit suggestions and recommendations for things that can be added to the calendar or how we may carry out some of the planned events that may be cancelled because of restrictions associated with COVID-19.
The calendar is subject to change as needs evolve and opportunities arise.
Vivat Jesus
John Mayich DKG
Program Director, Council 7077